Veg in garden of Eden

>> Friday, May 22, 2009

May I offer a few fashion tips for the trendy gardener having wandered round Chelsea Flower Show on Monday.

Flowers were in and monochrome green gardens were out this year should you care in the least.

Blousy paeonies and stately angelica were everywhere and the horrible bronze Acer palmatum ‘Garnet’ was also making a dreary showing all over the place.

This year there seemed to be more seasonal flowers than ever before – which could reflect the credit crunch.

Designers were using flowers naturally in bloom now – irises, aquilegia and rhododendrons to be seen all over the place – suggesting a degree of penny-pinching in the normally lavish and absurdly expensive gardens. Iris sibirica – a great favourite of mine – featured in more gardens than I could count with its graceful stems and pretty butterfly-like blooms.

At least one of the big show gardens – the Eden Project Garden called the Key – had next to no landscaping, relying on plants including vegetables to create its effect. It was definitely one that anyone could recreate on any scale at home.

Leeds City Council’s garden also had limited landscaping and a flood alleviation theme.

The Daily Telegraph garden designed by Ulf Nordfjell – which has won the Best Show Garden award at Chelsea – used large rectangular blocks of rock to create interest in planting schemes.

It struck me that as well as looking smart, they could also be used in long wide borders as islands to weed, dead-head and tidy from instead of having to balance on one foot in the undergrowth to prevent plant damage.

Chelsea vegetable gardens are always a glamorous treat but this year many more of the show gardens included veg in the design incorporating slate blue cabbages, ruby chard and trailing melons.

Gardeners with tiny gardens could take away many tips to allow the inclusion of food growing into a small garden and still retain an attractive outlook.

The Gateshead Council display concentrated on food production with an attractive airy trellis of plum cordons acting as a partial screen – both pretty and productive.

My happiest moment came when the kindly folk at the Thompson & Morgan stand gave me a free packet of seed. It was a beautiful foxglove called ‘Pam’s Split’, which has white flowers with a deeply red speckled throat. I saw it in a number of displays and have high hopes of seeing it bloom next year in my garden if I plant it quickly now.

My final two Chelsea favourites were two paths – one of moss which sparkled with tiny lights in the Hillier stand and another made from 12-inch square terracotta paving slabs and gravel which anyone could recreate with minimal DIY skills.

Chelsea can never be gardening on a budget, but this year’s show seemed a little more common or garden than usual.

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