Community garden unveiled at Cottingley Community Centre

>> Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Cottingley Community Partnership has been working incredibly hard to transform a neglected space into a beautiful and useful community garden, working with Groundwork Leeds (a local environmental regeneration charity) and attracting support and funding from a number of organisations including Aire Valley Homes, Northern Green Networks (Northern Gas) and the National Lottery Breathing Places Scheme.

The Cottingley Community Partnership worked with Groundwork to create a design for the space before beginning the physical works.

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They also worked with pupils from the local school, users of the community centre and partner organisation Seagulls to design and make highly personal mosaics to decorate the garden.

As well as the mosaics, the garden also features a pagoda, new seating, paths and planting including a herb and vegetable garden to keep the centre users healthy.

Jason Kerry, Community Coordinator at Groundwork Leeds, told Beeston Today: "The group have worked very hard to make this project happen and Groundwork is very happy to have been able to work with them."

Barry Parker, member of the Cottingley Community Partnership, said: "The people in Cottingley are very grateful to the three funding bodies who have made the garden possible and also to Groundwork Leeds for the work that they have put in to establish the garden and to make it such an attractive place.

"We intend to make it a real community garden in which people can work and relax and enjoy a pleasant area."

Tina Fielden, from Aire Valley Homes' Outer South Area Panel, said: "The garden is of an exceptional design and promotes peace and tranquillity for all who use it as well as providing a great deal of enjoyment to those passing by."

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