Flower, vegetable and herb gardening in Utah

>> Thursday, June 18, 2009

Creating a garden in Utah can be a little more difficult than other parts of the country. The climate is dry and the type of plants and vegetables that survive here have special needs. Whether you are trying to create a garden of flowers, fruits and vegetables, or herbs… information about gardening is abundant on the web.

Gardens have been created in backyards, in raised beds, in the house, on the curb in front of the house…anywhere you can imagine. Taking a class in gardening can help to give you ideas of where and what to create in your own space.

Utah State University offers (free and fee based) classes about gardening with workshops held in Kaysville and Ogden. There is a class about how to create a vegetable garden in raised beds. There are also classes about designing a landscape, flower arranging, soap making, and creating cards with dried flowers.

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