Garden for good health

>> Wednesday, June 24, 2009

INTERNATIONAL Men's Health Week 2009 was all about getting your hands dirty for a group of local men determined to make a difference in their community.

In an effort to promote a healthy lifestyle, Nhulundu Health Services coordinated construction of a new fruit and vegetable garden at the Roseberry Community Services apartment complex.

The call for support was answered by about 20 local men, and a couple of enthusiastic kids from GAGAL Pre Employment Program, who built the garden from scratch.

They then planted a series of fruit and vegetable plots for the residents to use in the future. Throughout the week a series of health promotion and awareness talks were held on issues such as heart health, hepatitis, kidney health and bowel cancer awareness.

The completion of the garden was celebrated last week with a traditional Kupmurri feast to thank the men for their efforts and showcase to community organisations and representatives.

The garden was supported by Rio Tinto Alcan Indigenous Community Fund, Nhulundu Health Service, Roseberry Community Services, Queensland Health and BORAL.

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