Gardening is fun, but time consuming

>> Saturday, June 6, 2009

I'm working on getting a garden planted. Gardens are such a great way for consumers to save money on their grocery bills and cut energy costs because the food doesn't need to be transported.

It's late, I know, but I want to make a big effort to grow food this year. My last year's efforts didn't turn out as I'd planned.

I'm spading up my garden area. I haven't had a garden in years, although I've grown vegetables in containers since I moved into my home in 1995.

I'm working on it a few hours at a time so it will be fun, not exhausting.

I went to Black Lake Organic to find out how to build a raised garden bed. I have clay-type soil so I don't think it would be effective to plant seedlings and seeds in the ground. I also bought materials to enhance the soil.

At Home Depot, I picked out cinder blocks for the sides of the raised bed. I also bought sand. The owner of Black Lake Organic said if I put two inches of sand on the bottom of the raised bed it would help get the blocks level.

My neighbor said he'd me level the blocks.

I'll be growing yellow crook-neck squash, cucumbers, Swiss Chard, and tomatoes.

How about you? Are you gardening? What are you growing? Are you making a big effort to grow food this year?

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