National Garden Club Week is alive and well" in Fountain Inn

>> Thursday, June 11, 2009

Looking at the garden corner in this photo exactly one year later is "living proof: that National Garden Club Week is alive and well" in Fountain Inn!

Members of the Ft. Inn Garden Club made reviving the corner of Fairview and Main St, previously known as the ugliest corner in town," it's club project last year. Today blossoms and blooms greet drivers and walkers at the corner and on the other end of the Burdette Hardware parking lot.

But this year, FIGC members started National Garden Club Week, June 7-14, 2009, with a softer touch. No moving rocks, digging in the asphalt to create a garden space or working out in the 90-plus degree heat!!

Instead, the members spent several hours designing 13 stunning cathedral floral arrangements for the Fountain Inn Business Development Open House last Friday, June 5. And all in the air-conditioned comfort and beauty of Aabstract Gallery!

That afternoon, they traveled on to Gree nville to design 10 more cathedral arrangements for the Cancer Survivor Workshop held over the weekend at the Carolina First Center. This event was attended by over 600 cancer survivors. "Our club was the only garden club of 30 in the Greenville Council of Garden Clubs to volunteer to assist with the florals for this event," said Sheila Miller, President of the Ft. Inn Garden Club For other activities to promote National Garden Club Week, members of the FIGC will be weeding the Community Garden at the Golden Strip Center, mulching and tending the Native Tree Garden at Ft. Inn Elementary School, assisting with weeding at the Greenway,touring member's vegetable and flower gardens, and providing refreshments for the M-FUGE volunteers who will arrive back in Ft. Inn later this week Look for them, along with garden club members around town over the next several weeks.

Miller added, "Summer is always a busy time for our club, e ven though most garden clubs actually "pause" for the summer." The club is looking for new members to assist with their many projects at local schools around town and with their many other activities.

"The beautiful baskets along Main Street are not the work of our club although many people in town think so...we can't take credit for those!" said Miller.

But if you are interested in learning more about the Ft. Inn Garden Club, call 409-1489 pr check out their website:

Fountain Inn is definitely the "INN" place to be working in the garden

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