Weeding the Denver vegetable garden : Easing the pain

>> Monday, June 29, 2009

Weeding the Denver vegetable garden can be tedious. Denver just seems to bake in the summer. Gardeners often get fatigued easily in the hot sun. Weeding the vegetable garden is never easy but in Denver, it's a daunting and exhausting task. Try these tips for weeding the Denver vegetable garden to make the job a little more pleasant.

Use mulch in the Denver vegetable garden to keep weeding duty minimal. Mulch serves a dual purpose of keeping weeds from growing and keeping Denver soil from drying in the hot sun. Be sure to clear an area near plantings for wanted produce to peek out.

Try to do tiring vegetable garden tasks like weeding early in the day or after the sun goes down. The Denver sun can really zap energy levels. These are the best times to do other vegetable gardening tasks like watering as well. The hot Denver sun can burn plants watered at the wrong time.

If you must do weeding in the sun wear a hat in the Denver vegetable garden. It's not a fashion statement. Who cares what you look like in the vegetable garden? A good wide brimmed hat not only protects the face from sunburn, it keeps exhaustion at bay.

Soak the Denver vegetable garden with water first thing in the morning prior to weeding. Weeds pull out more completely and easily when the soil is wet. Pull gently and slowly to be sure to get out the root and all. Roots left in the ground will regrow and reproduce. Use a tool to dig them out if needed.

Never put weeding seed refuse into the compost pile. Seeds from weeding can lay dormant in the compost and spring up in next years Denver vegetable garden. The only reseeding you want to do is with last years vegetable seeds. Composting weeds makes weeding the Denver vegetable garden a self defeating task.

Always keep hydrated when weeding the Denver vegetable garden. That Denver sun sucks water out of the body fast. Be sure to drink water before, during and after weeding. Weeding is just like any other form of exercise when it comes to proper hydration.

When weeding is done infrequently, it can be overwhelming. If your Denver vegetable garden looks like a rain forest, you are not weeding often enough. Spend a half hour each morning weeding the Denver vegetable garden to keep it under control. Happy weeding!

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