White House to compost kitchen scraps

>> Thursday, June 25, 2009

The "green" blog Ecorazzi, which posts the latest in ecological gossip, is reporting that the White House will be installing a trio of compost bins to help amend the soil in the White House vegetable garden next year.

First Lady Michelle Obama's garden, which grew to Jack and the Beanstalk proportions this spring, was no doubt given a boost by the compost that was worked into the soil before the vegetable plants went in.

But that compost was trucked in - from New York celebrity chef Dan Barber, according the U.S. News and World Report.

As any gardener knows, it is easier to generate compost on site, and certainly there will be enough state dinner scraps (no meat, no dairy) and enough grass clippings and leaves to generate a heaping helping of compost for next year's garden.

Why three bins?

Gardeners with room often have three bins and move the compost from one to the next as it ages. (Check out the cute composite photo that Ecorazzi created to illustrate.)

No doubt, rumors will fly that it is fake compost.

Already, there is concern among Ecorazzi readers that the compost bins will draw flies and, since snatching flies out of the air is a new presidential sport, Mr. Obama will be too distracted to get to the business of running the country.

from http://weblogs.baltimoresun.com/

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