Therapeutic garden at Joseph's Home in Cleveland helps homeless men recover

>> Friday, July 17, 2009

The secluded courtyard outside of Joseph's Home used to be a convenient place to smoke for residents -- homeless men on their way to a new life -- but there was little else to do out there.

There was a lawn with a few chairs scattered about, but the space was stark and empty. There was little incentive to linger outdoors after a smoke, so residents quickly headed indoors.

These days, the once-dull space is filled with thick bunches of towering purple coneflowers, fat hostas, petite red rose shrubs, lavender and more plants of varied heights, textures and fragrances. Individual garden beds are designed with soft, curvy contours instead of boxy lines, bordered by chunky, square stones.

There's also a garden bed of tomatoes, cucumbers, chard and other vegetables that go straight from the soil to the kitchen to the residents' plates.
Unlike the old space, the new garden beckons residents to the courtyards and keeps them there, chatting, reading and relaxing with a hobby. The garden also lures employees of nearby facilities who wander in to admire the colorful setting.

"Now, at any given time, you'll find most of the house out here talking," says Georgette Jackson, head of Joseph's Home. "It really has brought the men together and made them closer."

Joseph's Home is a healing place where homeless men recuperate from health-related problems and can stay for up to two years. Educational and employment opportunities also are available. Since the facility opened in 2000, more than 300 men have stayed there.

The building is in the Central neighborhood on Community College Boulevard, surrounded by the foot and automobile traffic at Cuyahoga Community Hospital and St. Vincent Charity Hospital/Sisters of Charity Health System, of which Joseph's Home is ministry.

Joseph's Home residents have Gardeners of America Greater Cleveland to thank for their relaxing oasis. The garden is part of the local group's ongoing effort to bring therapeutic gardens to social service facilities. Two years ago, the club planted a therapy garden at a women's shelter. Private companies contributed. Smith & Hawken donated a bench, and Kurtz Brothers gave the garden designs and provided pavers and rocks.

Plants are fragrant and highly textured for those therapeutic qualities and drought-tolerant because there is no irrigation or electricity in the space, says Gardeners of America trustee Rob Rensel, who also is on the staff at Cleveland Botanical Garden.

Garden beds are filled with coneflowers, which bloom until frost; lamb's ears, which are soft; lavender because it's fragrant all season; blue oat grass for its interesting soft blue color, and so on.

The garden is drought-resistant, but initially so many residents watered that the chore had to be organized.

"Too many people were watering the garden, so we had to coordinate," says Jackson. "Everybody tries to take care of everything. It's great."

Joseph Home chef Jeffrey Wright, aka "Chef Jeff" for obvious reasons, favors the vegetable garden, where there is basil, tomatoes, cucumbers, chard and more.

He knew something about gardening before this, but then again so did some of the other men.

"I've found that some already do know how to garden, and I learn from them," says Chef Jeff.

One resident who asked that his name not be used said he is partial to the hostas. He lived in Bay Village until he lost his home to foreclosure.

"I used to love hostas," he says. "I had quite a few in my garden." The garden has been a blessing for residents.

Says Jackson, "It's very peaceful and restful. It gets their minds off of their problems."

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