Garden therapy offers benefits to young and old

>> Sunday, August 9, 2009

Garden therapy is a process that uses plants and horticultural activities to improve an individual's social, educational, psychological and physical well being. The interaction of plants and people in a calming atmosphere like a garden or greenhouse has a positive effect on participants. When your mind and body are less stressed, physical activities are easier to perform.

As Garden Therapy Chairman for First District Federated Garden Clubs of New York State, I volunteer in the community, working with pre-school children, mentally and physically challenged consumers (clients) and senior citizens. Each group is enriched by their experiences in the garden.


Gardening gives children a sense of responsibility and accomplishment. It enables them to learn about the environment and the relationship between plants and people. It also is a great way to spend quality time with your child. Children are natural gardeners; they're curious and like to learn by doing.

Most kids enjoy playing in soil and making mud pies. They love to water plants and are fascinated by worms and insects. The pre-schoolers I work with at Community Resources in Richmond, enjoy planting seeds, watching them grow and harvesting them when the plants are fully grown. As a result, they're developing an appreciation of nature in their own community.

Some good choices to plant with children are vegetables like zucchini, beans, broccoli, radish and potatoes because they germinate quickly and can be eaten. A bonus of their gardening experience is that after actually growing the vegetables, many are encouraged to eat those they'd normally avoid.

I think it's extremely important to have children plan their own backyard or container garden. Flowers to consider are marigolds, nasturtiums and sweet peas, which can add interest and color in a child's garden. Bulbs can be planted outdoors in fall or "forced" indoors during the winter months. Using pits and seeds found in the foods we eat, such as avocados or the top of a pineapple, not only is an inexpensive way to start new plants, but children have fun working with them.

Child-sized rakes, hoes, spades and gloves are available, but if you're trying to keep cost to a minimum, try giving your young gardener old, heavy kitchen spoons for digging and measuring cups for scoops.


Sensory gardening is very beneficial and can be quite fun for children. Help them plant a "sensory walkway" that incorporates plants to engage the five senses:

*Touch: Children love when they're allowed to touch things, so include sturdy plants with varying textures.

*Smell: Plant a variety of aromatic herbs and flowers.

*Taste: A vegetable garden will provide something for them to sink their teeth into.

*Sight: Colorful gardens delight the young eye.

*Hearing: The sounds of nature -- i.e., birds and insects -- can be discovered and identified.


My work with mentally and physically challenged special needs clients/students may take place in a classroom, greenhouse or in a garden. Projects include starting seeds in the nature classroom and greenhouse in early spring, where a variety of herbs and vegetable seedlings are nurtured. Harvested vegetables, including tomatoes, peppers and herbs, are used by the staff and consumers in cooking classes.

In our classes, we learn about organic vegetable and fruit gardening, planting in raised beds and composting. Other projects include raising houseplants and gardening hydroponically. A variety of plants, herbs and flowers are sold at Community Resources Greenhouse plant sales as a means of fundraising for the garden therapy classes and gardens.

When working with the elderly, there may be concerns regarding dementia or underlying depression. Horticultural tasks not only help with diagnosis and treatment, but are useful as therapy. Additionally, during the process of planting and working together, participants enjoy new friendships.

The maintenance and upkeep of our projects are implemented with the aid of garden club members from First District Federated Garden Clubs of New York State, the staff and volunteers of Community Resources, Sea View Hospital Rehabilitation Center and Home, local nurses and florists.

The Annadale, Castle Manor, Great Kills, Richmond Ever-Green, South Shore and Staten Island garden clubs each conduct their own individual Garden Therapy projects.

Whether working in our own gardens or helping others, gardening creates an atmosphere of peace and beauty, providing therapy and healing for all participants.

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