An Exhibition Ripe for the Eating

>> Thursday, August 13, 2009

“The Edible Garden,” this summer’s multifaceted exhibition at the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx, builds on programs that the garden has had for decades, putting special focus on edible plants. Subjects include culinary herbs, the cultivation of heirloom varieties and gardening in urban spaces. Chefs like Emeril Lagasse and Lidia Bastianich are giving demonstrations, Mr. Lagasse on Sept. 12, and Ms. Bastianich on Sept. 13.

READY FOR PICKING More than 50 herbs, in a colorful garden designed by Martha Stewart, are flourishing, and plants in the family garden plots are bearing fruit. In coming weeks there will be more to see. Especially noteworthy is the heirloom vegetable garden set up by Seed Savers, where chard, cabbage and peppers are maturing.

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