Annual TomatoFare plant giveaway

>> Thursday, May 21, 2009

TomatoFare2009 in Soap Lake is having a plant giveaway May 17 to 31 for TomatoFare Associate growers and others who would like to grow heirloom tomatoes and participate as a grower at this year’s event.

Free plants will be given away to current TomatoFare Associates, others who would like to become a TomatoFare 2009 grower and others interested in growing heirloom tomatoes, if extra plants remain available.

Growers get free plants, keep all they grow except one week’s worth the week prior to TomatoFare2009 and will provide a week’s crop for the event. Growers get free admission in exchange for tomatoes and help at the event.

In past years, plants were given away on a set Sunday in Soap Lake. This year, people are asked to write and contact the above TomatoFare Associate growers to make arrangements to pick up their plants by appointment.

TomatoFare’s goal is to select the seed of “at risk” tomato varieties that are, above all else, tasty and to provide growers, farmers, chefs, contributing businesses and the public an event that supports and celebrates the process.

From source to table, artisan farmers will present over 100 varieties of heirloom, organic tomatoes for TomatoFare 2009 attendees to taste. Some of the region’s most influential chefs will present luscious dishes for guests to sample.

Growers of organic heirloom tomatoes will present tastings. They will also supply the chefs with tomatoes to prepare.

General admission tickets are $20 in advance; $25 on the day of the event. Admission is limited to 300 guests.

Early ticket purchase is suggested since the event is expected to sell out.

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