Preschoolers Get Hands-On Lesson in Gardening

>> Thursday, May 21, 2009

Preschoolers, parents and teachers joined community members last Friday in opening the James Ax Organic Home Food Forest garden at Aleph Bet Preschool.

The 1,600-square-foot garden will give students a hands-on experience of growing food and flowers, while allowing students and families to take home the vegetables, herbs and flowers the children grow.

The garden was designed and constructed by Daniel Wilson, owner of Home Food Forest, with the hope that it will encourage organic growing methods and increase awareness of natural and healthy growing practices in the community.

“Our preschool runs on solar power, recycles and now has an organic garden,” said Rabbi Zalmy Kudan, director of the preschool. “We feel this is part of the important foundation our school gives its students.”

The garden curriculum will encourage learning teamwork, responsibility and the methods of planting, caring and harvesting vegetables.

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