Free Plants and Seeds

>> Friday, July 17, 2009

Many people save seeds from their heirloom vegetables as well as the leftover seeds in the packets they purchased. They then trade with other people as an extremely cheap (free) way to get hard-to-find seeds as well as ordinary seeds that they only need a few. They also trade plants that don't propagate by seed.

A great place to learn more about seed saving and trading as well as putting together plant swap events is Plantcycle Central.

This Yahoo group will help you connect with other seed savers and give you an opportunity to ask for seeds (or cuttings) for plants you're dying to add to your garden. In addition, there's plenty of advice on what to do with particular plants, and tips on how to get the most of your garden space.

Plantcycle groups also promote reusing and recycling items, community gardening, urban farming, and organic/sustainable gardening practices, which gives lots of food for thought.

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